27 August 2007


WHITEMAN BASE ceased operations Sunday 26Aug2007 at 2000hrs. The weather cooperated and we had a terrific weekend with excellent participation at all levels. There were 28 Air Sorties as well as extensive ground team and UDF training. We had a wireless network set up with about a dozen computers so that we could conduct WMIRS, IMU and MRO training throughout the weekend.
This was a multi-agency exercise. The Santa Clarita Sheriff's Department and the U.S. Coast Guard both participated by conducting joint operations with CAP. Two Sheriff's deputies were flown in CAP aircraft to demonstrate how we can support different scenarios such as a downed aircraft or missing vehicle. The Coast Guard participated in a scenario involving a practice ELT hidden in a boat on Lake Castaic. The exercise utilized a High Bird for comm as well as DF aircraft working with ground team resources.
Air-to-ground coordination was practiced with CAP resources talking directly with representatives from the other agencies on common frequencies. This was a great demonstration of CAP's capability to work with and support other agencies.
There was also very good cadet participation. Many thanks to all of the cadets that came and worked so hard.
We tried something new this time... base command staff positions (including the IC position) were rotated every 6 hours to simulate missions with extended periods of operations. In effect, we squeezed 4 days of operations into a two-day weekend. Everyone had a chance to work multiple positions.
We experienced first-hand the difficulties of maintaining command continuity during extended periods of operations. By the last operational period on Sunday afternoon, we were all fatigued enough that confusion began to find it's way into our operations. This was an excellent simulation of the conditions that would occur in a real-world scenario leading to burn-out, stress, miscommunications and mistakes.

26 August 2007

CAWG CAP- 07M1587 Mission closing

Search mission 07M1587 was opened and closed 26 August 2007 for an ELT signal in the Temecula area. Signal was located by a US CAP aircrew and secured by a US CAP UDF team at Perris Valley Airport in a Cessna 182, N6438A. Non distress finds are authorized for aircrew members Richard Akita, Sharrie VanDuzer and Cladutte DeCouley, CA256 and UDF member Bob Miller, CA001. Additional thanks to Shane Terpstra, Rich Lovick, Matt Pipkin, Frank Duarte and the County Sheriff aircrews. Also thanks to the Group 3 alerting officer and John and Andrea Binder. More thanks to Mark McKibben at Whiteman Base and Ron Butts for their help too.