21 September 2007

A Message From the SQ 150 Commander

...A few items that I would like to impart upon you all…

Item 1)
Thank you to all who participated in (the) Staff meeting to formulate the quarterly calendar for the end of 2007. We have some interesting topics as well as events upcoming. Stay tuned for more on new training opportunities!!!! (item 2)

Item 2)
We are in the preliminary stages of working up a new “training plan” based on “Task oriented” sessions that will address specific items in our CAP Task Guides. It has become clearly evident thru the latest mission that we need to concentrate on these issues in a very focused and finite way. Lt. Tom Barbre (Operations Officer) is working on a draft of this plan as we speak. Preliminary thought is to have at least 2 sessions per month (before meetings) to work on specific tasks called out in the Task Guide… More to come. I think this initiative is worthwhile and should prove effective in keeping our skills sharp.

Item 3)
As you know, last year we were not able to pull off our annual Holiday party. After much work and several changes, we did not have enough committed people to stage the affair. It is my wish, and intention, not to have this happen again this year… To that end, I have commissioned key staff and members to begin a recon of potential venues for a party that could be held in mid January of 2008. The response to this idea was positive at last nights meeting… so … we venture on and gather Intel to ascertain the potential sites / dates. What we will need from our membership, is a commitment to this project. If we are to have a gathering, we need to have attendees!!!!! **chuckle** . Squadron 150 has always had good gatherings, and I would like to keep this a tradition.

So as the info comes in, and we figure out venues, prices, etc... We will keep you informed and look forward to a great celebration of our organization and its people.

Item 4)
To those of you who were involved in the recent Steve Fossett Search efforts…. As is said in the Navy “BRAVO ZULU”!!! Squadron 150 was represented in superb form. You represented our squadron admirably and I for one would like to commend you on your dedication and attention to duty. I am proud of your work!

Item 5)
To those who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in our “Squadron Self Assessment Inspection”. Your attention to detail and “can do” attitude made it possible for us to meet the deadline. In addition and most importantly… we learned a lot about what it takes to make things run smoothly, where we need attention, and what we do extremely well. I can’t thank you enough for all of your work.

I look forward to finishing out the year stronger than ever… and it is your dedication and participation that makes this squadron work so very well…

See you at the next meeting…

James H. Roadarmel, Capt.
Squadron Commander
CAWG Sq. 150
United States Air Force Auxiliary
Civil Air Patrol


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