03 September 2007

CAWG CAP- 07M1624 mission closing

Search mission 07M1624 was opened 1 Sep and closed 2 Sep 2007 for a Distress Radio Beacon plotting near Montgomery airport. An ELT signal was located at NAS North Island by a CAP Aircrew and UDF team. The signal was silenced by Navy personnel.
Several additional signals appeared but ceased prior to location.
Non-distress find authorized for Aircrew Rick Woods, Sq 40 (CA434) and Matt Pipkin, Sq 68 (CA484) and UDF team Mike Woods, Sq 47(CA324), Dee Osargent and Rich Lovick of Gp 7 (CA006).
Thanks to Aircrew Jim Redmon and Carl Morrison for their efforts and the several other members who offered their help.


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