26 August 2005

JPL Dr. Cangahuala Presents at Squadron 150

By: Capt. Eric Feick

During the 25 August meeting, the members and guests in attendance for the weekly meeting heard one of the best Aerospace Education presentations ever given at the squadron.

Dr. Cangahuala from the Jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) gave an extended lecture on the Mars Rover, Titan Moon, and Comet Strike/Analysis missions that have recently garnered so much attention in the press.

The presentation provided an excellent overview as to the duties of JPL engineers and scientists, and showed how each of these disciplines applied their unique skills in order to allow these unmanned spacecraft to accomplish the missions that they set out to complete.

Everyone was clearly amazed at how complex the mapping of our solar system can be, and Dr. Cangahuala explained how precise the mathematical computations must be in order to land a spacecraft on a comet that is as small as 2-4 miles wide on a side that is screaming through space.

The photos and graphs in the presentation were absolutely amazing. An amazing video of an unmanned probe striking a comet was one of the best parts of the presentation. These images helped everyone to understand what is obviously a VERY complex undertaking.

Dr. Cangahuala is also a glider pilot who has logged many hours soaring all over the sky much closer to the earth than the craft he helps to send into outer space.

We thank Dr. Cangahuala for his exciting presentation and welcome him to come back any time!


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